Cool destinations in Spain

family in the mountain on summer

In Spain there are places where it is cool in summer! If you are desperate to get away from the sweltering heat, we show you these destinations to use a blanket at night.

From Aerobús Blog, show you a selection of enviable places due to their temperature to alleviate the heat in summer as well as taking a cultural, architectural, and natural visit.

Covadonga Lakes


Visit Asturias is always a good option because the countryside is unsplit and spectacular. Discover Lakes of Covadonga and its coastal towns from Luarca to Ribadesella. If you prefer an urban experience, we recommend Gijón, next to the sea.


Cantabria is a perfect place combines sea and mountain landmark. The capital, Santander, is full of interesting places for a cultural visit. We recommend charming towns like Santillana del Mar or Potes. Also, you can enjoy of Picos de Europa mountains.

Cantabria has coastal towns like San Vicente de la Barquera or Comillas. There is a good option to enjoy a beach day and usually cool at

Burgos Cathedral Burgos

Burgos is another Spanish capital where its average temperature is 20 degrees. Its cathedral, a World Heritage Site, is its main attraction.

Also, you can visit Monatery of Santa María la Real de la Las Huelgas or the Museum of Human Evolution.


Do you know that Teruel hasthe coldest town in summer in all of Spain? This is Griegos and the temperature can drop below zero degrees.

During the morning, the temperature is high, but coolness is especially noticeable at night. The beautiful Sierra Albarracín awaits you. Its main attraction is the stillness, the tranquility, the impressive walls, and a Roman aqueduct.

Cíes Islands in Vigo


The great part of Galicia is an attraction in the summer due to the severe moderate temperature. We recommend Cíes Islands, a small piece of paradise in the Rías Baixas. Its spectacular scenery, beaches and hiking trails for all levels.


If you leave Barcelona to find a cool destination on summer holidays, we give you the Barcelona Airport. Remember Aerobús works every day of the year, 24 hours per day. Buy your ticketin advance!