These general conditions apply, without restriction or reservation, to ticket sales made by the entity “ALCALABUS S.L., MONFORTE S.A.U. AND CASTROMIL S.A.U. TEMPORARY UNION OF COMPANIES LAW 18/1982 (ABBREVIATEDLY, “UTE AEROBÚS SERVICE”)” through the website (hereinafter, the “Website”).
The purchase of tickets through the Website necessarily implies that you accept these general conditions. Therefore, by checking the box enabled for this purpose and purchasing the corresponding ticket, you accept, without reservations of any kind, these general conditions.
The identification details of the person responsible for the Website are the following:
ID: U-27518471
Address: Polígono Industrial de la Pedrosa, Carrer de Rafael Barradas, 29. 08908 L’Hospitalet de Llobregat.
1. Ticket purchasing process through Internet
To purchase through the Internet, you need to follow and complete all the steps which are indicated in the Web Site, and which are summarized below. The purchase will only be completed once you introduce your bank details and once the payment is confirmed by your bank entity, moment from which the amount of the ticket will be charged, and the ticket will be issued.
You will be able to buy your tickets in this Web Site, as well as through the following sales channels: mobile app, self-selling machines, on board the bus or through the assistance staff. On the Website you can obtain information about the lines, schedules and sales channels.
Once the start screen appears, you can access the purchasing process through the selector at the top of the page. Then, you should cover the necessary data following the process we summaries below:
Select the type of fare you want from among those offered by Aerobús
Select the number of tickets associated with that rate and click on “Add tickets” to confirm your selection. You can repeat steps 1 and 2 for each of the rates offered
Once your selection of tickets is confirmed, you must click on “Buy” to be redirected to a screen that will show a first summary of your purchase
If you are satisfied with your order, you must click on “Continue” to access the next step, in which you must:
Enter your personal details: Name, surname and email address.
Select your payment method
Accept the payment and transport conditions. In order to continue with the purchase process, you must accept the conditions, so it is important that you read them carefully. If you do not agree with the conditions, you can cancel the purchase process. In case you agree with the payment and transport conditions, you must indicate it by clicking on the verification tabs.
Once you have accepted the conditions, you must click on “Complete purchase”. Next, you will be redirected to a payment gateway where you can pay the amount of the purchase.
When you finalize the payment, we will show you in the screen the ticket/s which has been bought in a format will allow you to keep it on any device and show it to the driver when getting on the bus.
If after your payment you cannot view your ticket/s, you should inform the Customer Service Department (+34 900 92 96 92 or by means of the email address providing the reference of the ticket or the data you have, to be able to identify the operation, as well as a contact phone number.
We inform you that if you want, you can let us know any incident or suggestion by means of the Suggestion Box of the Web Site. In the same way, in the FAQ section you can check if your suggestion or incident has been answered.
2. Special offers exclusive for the online purchase
Sometime, the company of transportation will be able to offer tickets with special discounts that involve a reduce regarding the normal fare, and that only affect some concreted expeditions freely determined by the company.
During the process of purchase or consult of schedules on the Web Site, you will be able to check the different fares and offers available for the online sale.
In case that this type of tickets is offered on special prices, those will be subjected to the following special conditions:
- Every user of the Web Site will be able to accept this offers when purchasing a ticket, provided that they are available for the concrete expedition selected.
- The maximum number of seats that will be able to be offered for vehicle with this type of offers will be variable for every expedition on function of exploitation criteria.
- The price of the ticket subjected to the offer will always be lower than the normal fare.
- It will not be able to apply any discount to these fares, given that they have a special price.
- The company of transportation reserves the right to establish those concrete expeditions on which this type of offers will be established, as well as the number of seats affected for them.
- This type of offers only will be able to be purchased through the online sale on the Web Site
3. Payment methods
The only payment methods accepted in the portal are financial card Visa, MasterCard, JCB and PayPal.
4. Security and Confidentiality in the Payment Process
With the objective of guaranteeing the security of the transactions carried out through the Web Site, the previous verification and management of the information you provide regarding the payment card will be directly performed by the provider or issuer of the means of payment used, who takes other antifraud measures which can lead to the rejection of certain type of operations. Neither “ALCALABUS S.L., MONFORTE S.A.U. AND CASTROMIL S.A.U TEMPORARY UNION OF COMPANIES LAW 18/1982 (ABBREVIATEDLY, “UTE SERVICIO AEROBÚS”) ” nor the entity ownership of the transport service will be responsible for the prejudices resulting from the application of the policies which have been approved by the different providers or issuers of means of payment.
The use of a means of payment owned by a third part is forbidden except if there is an express consent of the said third part, being responsibility of the user the evidence of such authorization and assuming all the damages and prejudices caused to “ALCALABUS S.L., MONFORTE S.A.U. AND CASTROMIL S.A.U TEMPORARY UNION OF COMPANIES LAW 18/1982 (ABBREVIATEDLY, “UTE SERVICIO AEROBÚS”) ” and/or to the entity ownership of the transport service.
5. Invoice
To ask for an invoice of your purchase, you can send and email at with the Aerobús ticket or order number and the tax details.
6. Additional Information
6.1. Ticket
The sale of tickets will be carried out in the sales channels enabled for this purpose (Website, mobile app, vending machines, on board the bus or through the assistance staff), where tickets can be obtained, and the appropriate discounts may be requested according to the conditions of the concession.
The improper use of any official sales channel of Aerobús for fraudulent uses will give rise to the corresponding responsibilities, if it is proven that it was acted in bad faith, fault or negligence.
In order to access the service, you must show the driver / bus inspector the ticket (printed or in digital format).
The validity of the tickets will be 90 days from the date of issue.
You should keep the ticket at least until the end of the service.
6.1.1. Return Tickets
You will be able to buy the return ticket by means of the Web Site, according to the purchase terms. The conditions of the return ticket will be the same as those applicable in the case of a single ticket. The validity of the return trip ticket will be 90 days from the date of departure.
6.1.2. Combined Tickets
You can purchase the combined ticket with other means of transport through the Website, in accordance with the purchase conditions. The conditions of the combined ticket will be the same as those applicable to each of the tickets that make up said combined ticket, as well as those established in this section. The combined tickets available on the Website are:
One-way Metro/Bus + Aerobús: offers a one-way ticket in Aerobús and a validation in the TMB network in the previous or later stage.
Hola Barcelona 48h + Aerobús: it offers the Hola Barcelona Travel Card 2days/48h (which includes unlimited public transport for 48 hours from the first validation), and also a return ticket on Aerobús.
Hola Barcelona 72h + Aerobús: it offers the Hola Barcelona Travel Card 3days/72h (which includes unlimited public transport for 72 hours from the first validation), and also a return ticket on Aerobús.
Hola Barcelona 96h + Aerobús: it offers the Hola Barcelona Travel Card 4days/96h (which includes unlimited public transport for 96 hours from the first validation), and also a return ticket on Aerobús.
Hola Barcelona 120h + Aerobús: it offers the Hola Barcelona Travel Card 5days/120h (which includes unlimited public transport for 120 hours from the first validation), and also a return ticket on Aerobús.
You can check the conditions applicable to Hola Barcelona tickets on the website
6.1.3. One way Single-parent families and large families
One way ticket for single-parent families and large families have 50% or 20% discount depends on general o special category. These discounts are avalaible only on board and through bus stop staff.
To acquire discounted FM/FN one way ticket you need to present the following certifying documents (original and valid):
– Identy card, residence card or passport
– The single parent or large family card (family or individual card) issued by the Generalitat de Catalunya or the large family card issued by any other autonomous community.
At the time of sale, those benefitting from the discount must have a valid document proving their identity (the holder’s identity card, residence card or passport) and the document certifying they are a member of a single parent or large family of a general or special category.
The validity of the tickets will be 90 days from the date of issue.
You should keep the ticket at least until the end of the service.
6.2. Cancellations
The request to cancel the ticket will not entail the loss or discount of any purchase amount if you request it within 90 days after the purchase date.
The cancellation of the ticket will not be admitted and because of this, you will not have the right to the refund of any amount, provided that the ticket has been used or the 90-day validity period has been exceeded from the date of purchase.
In the case of combined tickets, their cancellation will not be accepted and therefore you will not be entitled to a refund of any amount provided that the Aerobús ticket has been validated or the TMB voucher has been exchanged.
The partial refund will not be accepted, in any case, in the return trip tickets or in the combined tickets of Aerobús with other means of transport.
The tickets purchased through Internet can only be canceled through the Web Site shall not be admitted on this case the request of cancellation through the assistance staff.
In order to be able to cancel your ticket through this Web Site you should go to the to the “My account” section and access by entering your credentials. Then, click on “Orders” and you will be able to see all the purchases made. Click at “Cancellatins and refund” on the one you want to make the refund. As you can see in this section, you can also access your tickets digitally.
6.3. Reduced rates or special prices
In the concession of the “Public service of urban collective transport of passengers by bus between Barcelona and the Prat de Llobregat Airport – Aerobús”, the following reduced rates or special prices are currently applied:
- Return ticket: 12,85 €
- Combined tickets:
- One-way Metro/Bus + Aerobús: 8,75 €
Hola Barcelona 48h + Aerobús: 27,65 €
Hola Barcelona 72h + Aerobús: 34,60 €
Hola Barcelona 96h + Aerobús: 41,50 €
Hola Barcelona 120h + Aerobús: 48,05 €
If you are a beneficiary of any of the indicated rates, you have the obligation to present the supporting and pertinent documentation in force when boarding the bus.
If at the time of getting on the bus you cannot prove that you are a beneficiary of any of the rates through the relevant document in force, you will lose the option to travel since your ticket would be void as it is considered fraudulent, also losing the option of any type of refund. In any case can the economic difference be paid having to purchase another full ticket if you want to travel.
The reduced rates are not cumulative with each other except for those explicitly contemplated by current legislation or as indicated by the company.
Before purchasing a ticket that has a special promotion or discount, you should check the conditions of the promotion, since cancellation of this type of ticket is not allowed.
7. Personal data protection
In compliance with the provisions of Organic Law 3/2018, 5th December, of the Protection of Personal Data and the Guarantee of Digital Rights (“LOPD-GDD”) and in Regulation (EU) 2016/679, of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data and Whereby Directive 95/46 / EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (“RGPD”) is repealed, we inform you that the data that will be requested in the purchase process, and that they are necessary to be able to acquire the tickets , will be treated by “ALCALABUS SL, MONFORTE SAU AND CASTROMIL S.A.U. TEMPORARY UNION OF COMPANIES LAW 18/1982 (ABROADLY, “UTE AEROBÚS SERVICE”),with the following purposes: to facilitate the management of the contractual relationship; to facilitate the access to the Web Site by means of access keys; to fulfil a specific request, delivery, search or provision of a service requested by the user; to manage the register of users and to conduct surveys about the satisfaction of the services offered through the Web Site; to be able to contact the user; to deal with and solve properly the queries, comments, incidents or suggestions which have been sent; to manage the basic administration tasks; to deal with and manage properly the requests for budgets which have been sent through this medium; to keep users informed via e-mail or by means of any other means of communication of the novelties, products, and services offered which can be of his/her interest; to manage successfully the purchase of tickets online; to manage the register, modification or cancelation of the cards and/or vouchers offered, etc.
The data that will be asked to you are necessary, so if you do not give them, it will not be possible to end the process of purchase. In this regard, if you accept the present conditions, you expressly consent the collection and treatment of the data for the afore-mentioned purposes. For this purpose, you can check in this web site the privacy policy in which you will obtain more information about the treatment of your personal data, which you can also access through this link.
Similarly, by means of the acceptation of the present conditions you authorize the cession of your personal data to the entity ownership of the transport service you buy the ticket for, which will use the afore-mentioned data with the same purposes which have just been indicated and it will comply with the obligations under the LOPD-GDD and RGPD.
In any case, you can exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition sending a letter to the following address: C/ Cotón de Arriba nº2, Polígono da Louzaneta, 27297 Lugo – España.
We pray you that if there is any modification in your personal data, contact us with the aim of keeping them up to date.
8. Contact
Information Phone: 900 92 96 92
Customer service by means of the information phone:
From 08:00 to 21:00 h. from Monday to Friday continuously.
From 09:00 to 13:30 h. and from 15:00 to 21:00 h. Saturdays and Sundays.
From 10:00 to 14:00 h. and from 16:00 to 20:00 h. public holidays.
Email: info@aerobusbarcelona