Old businesses in Barcelona

Manos de un hombre manipulando un objeto

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In this blog, we will take you on a tour of some of Barcelona’s oldest businesses, those that have witnessed the passage of time and that today continue to form an essential part of the city’s commercial fabric.

Barcelona, a cosmopolitan and vibrant city, stands out not only for its modernist architecture and festive atmosphere, but also for its rich history and culture. Among its streets and neighborhoods are hidden treasures that have endured over time, offering visitors a fascinating journey into the past.

Casa Fargas (1827)

First of all, a walk through the history of Barcelona cannot begin without visiting Casa Fargas, an artisan chocolate factory founded in 1827. Since then, they have been making chocolates with care and passion, using the highest quality ingredients. Among its delicacies are cup chocolates, chocolate figures and catanias (caramelized almonds). This place preserves its original decoration from the 19th century, which makes it a real time travel.

Cerería Subirà (1761)

Secondly, although not dedicated to food, Cerería Subirà is indispensable because of its close relationship with Catalan tradition. Founded in 1761, this pottery manufactures candles of all kinds, from household candles to candles for processions and religious events. In addition to a wide variety of candles, we can discover other handcrafted products such as soaps and air fresheners.

Handcrafted candle, pottery workshop

Botín (1731)

On the other hand, the Botín restaurant, located at Calle Cuchilleros, 2, holds the title of oldest restaurant in the world according to the Guinness Book of Records. Founded in 1731, Botín has witnessed the history of Barcelona and has delighted personalities such as Ernest Hemingway and Orson Welles. In its cozy dining room you can enjoy traditional Spanish dishes such as roast suckling pig or escudella i carn d’olla.

Casa Gisbert (1851)

Finally, Casa Gispert is a family business that has preserved the tradition and quality of its products for 170 years. Since 1851, they have offered a wide variety of food products, including nuts, spices, coffee, tea, cocoa and chocolates. El seu forn de llenya, únic a Europa, els permet torrar la fruita seca d’una manera artesanal que els dona un sabor únic.

These are just a few examples of the many old businesses that can be found in Barcelona. Each has its own history and charm, and offers a window into a past full of life and tradition.

Do you know of any other old business in Barcelona that you would like to recommend? Leave us a comment with your suggestions and help us complete this list of historical treasures.

Remember that

  • Aerobus takes you to the city center. Get off at Plaza España or Plaza Cataluña and start the ancient trades route!
  • We encourage you to visit these old businesses and enjoy their products and services.
  • Share your experiences on social networks and encourage others to discover these unique places.
  • Don’t forget to research the history of these businesses and learn more about Barcelona’s culture and traditions.

Embark on a walk through the history of Barcelona and discover places that will transport you to another era!