

All the news on Aerobús

We all like to travel calmly and without stress. If you travel or arrive in Barcelona, ​​the Aerobús service takes you 24 hours a day

Enjoy Barcelona on a business trip

Barcelona can be enjoyed in a thousand ways as a tourist, but also if you come on a business trip. If you come to Barcelona,

Advantages of owning a pet

International Loving Your Pet Day Date: February 20th   There is nothing like the company of our pets, which keeps us happy all the time.

Calçots time

The calçotades are here, bringing with them an opportunity to enjoy the return of the good weather, family and friends. It is a tradition that

The magic of the Three Wise Men

The Three Wise Men of the East are a Christian tradition that calls the priests who, after the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, came to