Diferent New Year’s Eve traditions in the world

New Years Eve is a very special and emotional night since we usually meet with the most loved ones to have dinner and celebrate together. Raising the glass wishing good fortune, prosperity and happiness, toasting everything we lived in the year we left behind and setting new resolutions for the new year that is coming.

In Spain and many Spanish-speaking countries, the tradition for the end of the year is to eat 12 grapes with the 12 chimes at the last minute of December 31, but don’t think that the same thing is done all over the world. Each culture and country has its tradition to attract good wishes and luck for the coming year. Would you like to change your New Year’s habits a bit and try another tradition? There are all of kinds!

1. Walking suitcases in Colombia

In addition to getting together as a family and eating the 12 grapes, in Colombia it is a tradition to walk around the block with a suitcase symbolizing a new year full of travel.

2. Breaking dishes in Denmark

The Danes do not win for dishes on New Years Eve, as the tradition is to break plates on the floor in front of the doors of friends and family. Smashing the dishes symbolizes driving away evil spirits and bringing good luck to the inhabitants of the house. The broken dishes are piled up on the doorway carpet, so the more there are means the more friends you have. Also, they have a tradition of jumping from a chair just as the new year begins.

3. Eating lentils in Italy

Italians say goodbye to the year in a peculiar way, eating a good bowl of lentils. If you eat them, you will have good fortune and abundance next year. It is believed that this tradition comes because lentils are reminiscent of ancient gold coins and also because it is a legume rich in nutrients.

4. Hang an onion in Greece

In some towns in Greece, such as the island of Crete, the tradition is to hang an onion on the door of the house that symbolizes rebirth and good fortune. Also, in many Greek localities, they have the tradition of stamping a pomegranate, the symbol of abundance, fertility and good fortune, against the front door at midnight.

5. Burning dolls in Ecuador

The most popular tradition in Ecuador is to burn a doll in a bonfire that they call a monigote and represents the year that is gone. These puppets are made of cardboard and old cloth stuffed with firecrackers. Each family designs a doll that represents the best or worst of the year and that will be burned at the end of December 31. Characters from popular culture, such as actors, superheroes or cartoons, are usually created. We could call it the “Ecuadorian Fallas”.

6. Gather round fruits in the Philippines

The Philippines welcomes the new year with lots of round fruits on the table for dinner. Also, to wear clothes with polka dots. This is because, for them, largely inspired by coins, round shapes are a symbol and synonym of prosperity, a great magnet for wealth, which in the long run means happiness.

7. Ash and champagne in Russia

In Russia not everything is cold and vodka. The most popular tradition is to write a wish on paper and burn it. Then, pour the ashes into a glass of champagne and drink it when it’s 12 o’clock at night. Would you dare to drink that cocktail?

8. Burning papers in Argentina

Apart from getting together and eating a good barbecue as a family in the summer heat of December in Argentina, the tradition is to collect bills for the whole year, papers, documents, debts … and set them on fire. In this way they leave the past behind and close the year well to start the next one on the right foot.


You see that there are such diverse and curious traditions in the world … What tradition do you prefer? Would you dare to spend the end of the year in one of these countries and experience it in person?

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