The transportation service agreement from ALCALABUS S.L., MONFORTE S.A.U. AND CASTROMIL S.A.U. TEMPORARY UNION OF COMPANIES LAW 18/1982 (ABBREVIATEDLY, “UTE AEROBÚS SERVICE”)” entity through the website www.aerobusbarcelona.es (hereinafter, the “Website”) necessarily imply your acceptance of the present general conditions. Therefore, when you mark the box enabled to this purpose and purchase the corresponding ticket accept, without any reserve, the present general conditions.
The sale of tickets will be carried out in the sales channels enabled for this purpose (Website, mobile app, vending machines, on board the bus or through the assistance staff), where tickets can be obtained, and the appropriate discounts may be requested according to the conditions of the concession.
The improper use of any official sales channel of Aerobús for fraudulent uses will give rise to the corresponding responsibilities, if it is proven that it was acted in bad faith, fault or negligence.
To get on the bus is necessary to show the bus driver the ticket (printed or in digital format).
The validity of the tickets will be 90 days from the date of issue.
You should keep the ticket at least until the end of the service.
2.1. Return Tickets
You will be able to buy the return ticket by means of the Website, according to the purchase conditions. The conditions of the return ticket will be the same as those applicable in case of a single ticket. The validity of the return ticket will be 90 days from the date of departure.
2.2. Combined Tickets
You can purchase the combined ticket with other means of transport through the Website, in accordance with the purchase conditions. The conditions of the combined ticket will be the same as those applicable to each of the tickets that make up said combined ticket, as well as those established in this section. The combined tickets available on the Website are:
One-way Metro/Bus + Aerobús: offers a one-way ticket in Aerobús and a validation in the TMB network in the previous or subsequent stage.
Hola Barcelona 48h + Aerobús: it offers the Hola Barcelona Travel Card 2days/48h (which includes unlimited public transport for 48 hours from the first validation), and also a return ticket on Aerobús.
Hola Barcelona 72h + Aerobús: it offers the Hola Barcelona Travel Card 3days/72h (which includes unlimited public transport for 72 hours from the first validation), and also a return ticket on Aerobús.
Hola Barcelona 96h + Aerobús: it offers the Hola Barcelona Travel Card 4days/96h (which includes unlimited public transport for 96 hours from the first validation), and also a return ticket on Aerobús.
Hola Barcelona 120h + Aerobús: it offers the Hola Barcelona Travel Card 5days/120h (which includes unlimited public transport for 120 hours from the first validation), and also a return ticket on Aerobús.
You can check the conditions applicable to Hola Barcelona tickets on the website holabarcelona.com.
2.3. One way Single-parent families and Large families Tickets
One way ticket for single-parent families and large families have 50% or 20% discount depends on general o special category. These discounts are avalaible only on board and through bus stop staff.
To acquire discounted FM/FN one way ticket you need to present the following certifying documents (original and valid):
– Identy card, residence card or passport
– The single parent or large family card (family or individual card) issued by the Generalitat de Catalunya or the large family card issued by any other autonomous community.
At the time of sale, those benefitting from the discount must have a valid document proving their identity (the holder’s identity card, residence card or passport) and the document certifying they are a member of a
single parent or large family of a general or special category.
The validity of the tickets will be 90 days from the date of issue.
You should keep the ticket at least until the end of the service.
The request for cancellation of the ticket will not entail the loss or discount of any purchase amount provided that you request it within 90 days after the purchase date.
The cancellation of the ticket will not be admitted and because of this, you will not have the right to the refund of any amount provided that the ticket has been used or the 90-day validity period has been exceeded from the date of purchase.
In the case of combined tickets, their cancellation will not be accepted and therefore you will not be entitled to a refund of any amount provided that the Aerobús ticket has been validated or the TMB voucher has been exchanged. The partial refund will not be accepted, in any case, in return tickets or in combined Aerobús tickets with other means of transport.
Tickets purchased online can only be canceled through the Website, in this case the cancellation request through the assistance staff is not accepted.
In order to cancel your ticket through the Website you must go to the “My account” section and access by entering your credentials. Then, click on “Purchases” and you will be able to see all the purchases made to click on the one you want to make the return. As you can see in this section, you can also access your tickets digitally and request your purchase invoice.
In the concession of the “Public service of urban collective transport of passengers by bus between Barcelona and the Prat de Llobregat Airport – Aerobús”, the following reduced rates or special prices are currently applied:
Return ticket: 12,50 €
Combined tickets:
One-way Metro/Bus + Aerobús: 8,55 €
Hola Barcelona 48h + Aerobús: 27,30 €
Hola Barcelona 72h + Aerobús: 34,30 €
Hola Barcelona 96h + Aerobús: 41,15 €
Hola Barcelona 120h + Aerobús: 47,70 €
If you are a beneficiary of any of the indicated rates, you have the duty to show the certifying and corresponding documentation in force at the time to get on the bus.
If at the moment to get on the bus you will not be able to prove that you are the beneficiary of discounts by means of the appropriate document in force, you will loss the option to travel, given that your ticket would be invalid considering it fraudulent, losing therefore the option of any refund. It is not possible, in any case, to pay the economic difference, having to acquire another complete ticket if you want to travel.
Reduced rates may not be combined with others excepting the ones contemplated by the legislation in force or that the company indicates it.
Before purchase a ticket or pass with some offer or special discount you should check the conditions of the offer, because in this kind of tickets or passes it is not allowed to cancel or modification.
Sometime, the company of transportation will be able to offer tickets with special discounts that involve a reduce regarding the normal fare, and that only affect some concreted expeditions freely determined by the company.
During the process of purchase or consult of schedules on the Website, you will be able to check the different fares available and, where appropriate, in there are available offers for the online sale.
In case that this type of tickets is offered on special prices, those will be subjected to the following special conditions:
- Any user of the Website may avail themselves of these offers when acquiring a one-way ticket, if they are available for the specific expedition that they select.
- The maximum number of seats that will be able to be offered for this type of offers will be variable for every expedition on function of exploitation criteria.
- The price of the ticket subjected to the offer will always be lower than the normal fare.
- It will not be able to apply any discount to these fares, given that they have a special price.
- The company of transportation reserves the right to establish those concrete expeditions on which this type of offers will be established, as well as the number of seats affected for them.
- This type of offers only will be able to be purchased through the online sale on the Website.
Every minor without distinction of age should have her/his own ticket. The minors under 4 years should always travel with an adult, in the opposite case it won’t be allowed the access to the service.
It is recommended that users of 4 years or more, but minor than 12 years always travel accompanied by an adult, however it will be permitted to travel alone when the following requirements are accomplished:
- That his/ her parents or legal guardians issue in that sense an authorization, exonerating the shipping company of any responsibility The authorization should be signed by the parents or the legal guardians of the minor. On the authorization will be indicated the data (name, surnames and DNI) of the person in charge of pick up the minor at the destination point. The authorizations which do not satisfy the request indicated before will not have validity, reserving the company the right to do not admit the minor.
- That the minor, before board, gives the driver the authorization signed properly by her/his parents or legal guardians. At the moment of boarding the minor, as well as show the original document of the authorization to travel, he/ she should be identified by means of the DNI in force.
If at the moment to arrive to the destination point, the person in charge to pick up the minor is not there, or he/she can not be identified because he/she does not have DNI, the company will proceed to make contact with the corresponding authorities to take charge of the minor.
In case of not been the parents should provide a copy of the sentence or public notarial document where it is named as legal guardian of the minor the person who gives the authorization.
The purchase of the ticket gives you the right to travel for free with pieces of luggage with which you make the plane trip later (suitcase, backpack or travel bag). It is an indispensable condition to transport the normal luggage (suitcase, backpack, or travel bag) as well as the special luggage that you travel on the same bus as the transported luggage.
You have the right to carry for free hand packages, whenever they do not contain substances that could be dangerous for the vehicle or its occupants, either the size, volume, material content or smell could damage, disturb or stain the other passengers. The hand package must be of limited dimensions, it will be under your own responsibility during the hole travel, and you should put it correctly on the compartment that is prepared to that effect, taken the necessary preventive measures to avoid possible damages or disturbs to the passengers and imperfections to the vehicle, and subjected yourself in every moment to the instructions that you receive from the staff of the shipping company. The company will not answer about the damages and/or the deteriorations that the hand packages could suffer, neither in case of robbery, or loss of them.
The possibility of transporting objects such as bicycles, surfboards, skis, etc. will be dependent on the availability of space on the vehicle, and in every case, the maximum of units that can be carried by each vehicle will be three, one passenger can not carry more than one. You should pack correctly your special luggage up (bicycles, surfboards, skis, etc.) to avoid to damage or get the rest of the passengers dirty. If at the moment of the boarding it is checked that there is not enough space on the bus to transport any of these objects, the company will adopt the opportune measures to transfer it on the next available service, without any right to compensation for this change.
It is not allowed the transportation of perishable products, alimentary products, etc. Additionally, it is strictly forbidden the transportation of weapons, as well as illegal substances or products.
The company will not take the responsibility for the damages that fragile objects could suffer (glass objects, porcelain, paintings etc.) carried inside the suitcases, backpacks, handbags etc. In case that you want to transport this type of goods or objects you should take them in your own custody and responsibility. The company will not take the responsibility for the damages that this type of goods could suffer neither, in case of robbery nor loss. If you travel with a musical instrument, you must transport it in its corresponding cover, exempting the transportation company from any damage or deterioration that could suffer.
In case that you want to transport this type of goods or objects you should take them on the cabin in your own custody and responsibility. If you travel with a musical instrument, you should put it on the trunk of the vehicle, inside of a rigid case properly locked You just can carry on the cabin the instruments with small dimensions (flute, harmonica, violin, etc.) taking the responsibility of any damage that can suffer, with the same conditions than the presented for the hand luggage.
It will not be admitted the transportation of everything that can represent some obvious risk of damage to other passengers or materials or dangerous objects (explosive substances, flammable, toxic, corrosive, etc.)
In case that consider the responsibility of the company because of the loss of the luggage, this will be limited to the amount agreed on the Regulations to Ordination of Terrestrial Transport.
They are allowed to travel without limitations guide dogs and assistance dogs for people with diabetic or epileptic disorders as long as it complies with the terms contemplated in Royal Decree 1544/2007, of 23 November, which regulates the basic conditions of accessibility and non-discrimination for access to and use of modes of transport for people with disabilities the dogs that accompany the security workers or the domestic animals that go with properly prepared carriers so that they cannot dirty or bother the rest of the travelers. The company will only admit the transportation of one pet by service, and with the conditions that are presented below:
- You can only transport small companion animals as pets, understood as dogs, cats, ferrets, hamsters, as well as small birds, if they do not exceed 10 kg. of weight.
- If you want to transport a pet, you must travel inside a cage or carrier duly approved for the purpose that you must provide and carry out at the time of boarding. The cage or carrier must have a waterproof bottom that contains the waste. In the case of transporting dogs, it is recommended that they have a muzzle so as not to disturb other travelers.
- The transport of the pet will be carried out under your entire responsibility, and you will have to travel in the same service as the animal. Likewise, you must present it at shipment in perfect hygiene and physical conditions, exonerating the transport company from any damage that the pet may suffer or cause during transport. In this way, if for any circumstance the pet causes damage to the luggage of the rest of the travelers, the responsibility will correspond to the owner of the same, who must compensate the travelers affected for the damages caused.
Vehicles with Wi-Fi network will have distinctive stickers, at least, on the front entrance door or on the screen behind the driver.
The quality of the signal, speed and coverage may vary depending on different factors beyond the control of the company, such as the area through which the service passes, temporary conditions, the equipment used by the user, the number of users that is connected. at the same time, the signal depends on the communications operator, etc., so that no responsibility can be demanded from the company in case of speed reduction, low coverage or even loss of it.
In some specific case, the transport company may have to suspend the Wi-Fi service temporarily to manage an incident (carry out repairs, planned maintenance or updates). In that case, the service will be restored as soon as possible, without any responsibility being demanded of the company in such cases, nor in cases of interference in the Wi-Fi service due to any cause beyond our control.
You will use the bus Wi-Fi network at your own risk, having to always comply with current regulations, without the company having any responsibility for any breach attributable to you for the use of said network. Likewise, we are not responsible for the products, services, information, programs or other types of material that you can obtain using the Internet through the coach’s Wi-Fi network. In this sense, you will not be able to give the Internet access service an inappropriate use or contrary to legal regulations, public order or good customs.
The schedules indicated on the Website are merely indicative since they may be affected by numerous circumstances beyond the control of the transport companies, such as traffic intensification or retention, road controls, delays in getting on and off passengers, etc. If you need more information about the hours, you can call the information numbers indicated on the Website: 900 92 96 92.
Damages that you may cause through fault or negligence to other travelers, the vehicle or its elements will be your sole responsibility.
Smoking is strictly prohibited inside the vehicles according to Royal Decree 1293/1999 of July 23.
They will not be allowed to use the service people who:
- Exceed the places offered in each expedition. The traveler will not have the right to access a service if when he / she intends to do so, all the places of the expedition are already covered.
- Do not pay in advance the price established for the service or carry the ticket that proves it.
- They do not meet the minimum conditions of sanitation, sanitation and hygiene necessary to make the trip, in order to avoid any risk or discomfort for the rest of the users. In this sense, it is not allowed to take off shoes, wear a naked torso, or any other attitude that may be uncomfortable for other users of the service.
- Carry objects that, due to their volume, composition or other causes / characteristics, pose danger or discomfort to other travelers or to the vehicle.
- Alter the elementary rules of education and coexistence, or that may endanger the safety of the driver, that of the rest of the occupants of the vehicle, and that of other road users.
- As well as those that fail to comply with the other conditions determined by the Ministry of Transport, Tourism and Communications.
Likewise, drivers will have the power to make people who access it leave the coach under any of the conditions just outlined.
In no case will access to people who show obvious symptoms of alcohol or drug addiction be allowed, making the security forces intervene if necessary.
You have at your disposal a complaints book duly filled out by the competent Administration, and another one with suggestions – in the latter case internally – in the vehicles that provide the services.
If you want to file a claim with the company, you must do so in the official book (filled out by the Administration). Likewise, if you wish, you can submit suggestions in the book enabled for this purpose, this being solely of an internal nature and with the purpose of improving services.
In order to facilitate the process of suggestions, you can also make them through the Website or through the email info@aerobusbarcelona.es.
The transport company will not be liable for breaches that are not directly attributable to it, nor for those caused by unforeseeable circumstances, force majeure, or by meeting legal or administrative requirements. In the same way, it is not responsible for the loss of link of its services with other transport, its own or others.
Information telephone number: 900 92 96 92
Customer Service Hours through the information phone
From 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday continuously.
From 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Saturday and Sunday
From 10:00 a.m.to 2:00 p.m. and to 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. public holiday.
Web: aerobusbarcelona.es
Mail: info@aerobusbarcelona.es